Genus: Rumex - Sorrel



List of lepidoptera species using Rumex as larval foodplant.

Triodia sylvina - Orange Swift
Korscheltellus lupulinus - Common Swift
Phymatopus hecta - Gold Swift
NT Hepialus humuli - Ghost Moth
RE Enteucha acetosae - Sorrel Pygmy
Opostega salaciella - Sorrel Bent-wing
Calybites phasianipennella - Little slender
Scythris potentillella
Coleophora hydrolapathella - Water-dock case-bearer
NT Monochroa rumicetella
Monochroa sepicolella
Monochroa tenebrella - Common Plain Neb
VU Monochroa saltenella
Monochroa palustrella - Dock Streak
Teleiopsis diffinis
Aroga velocella
Neofriseria peliella - White-spot Groundling
NT Adscita statices - The Forester
Zygaena exulans - Scotch Burnet
Cnephasia incertana - Light Grey Tortrix
Cnephasia alticolana
Cnephasia asseclana - Flax Tortrix
Cnephasia communana - May Shade
Clepsis rurinana - Pale Tortrix
Clepsis spectrana - Cyclamen Tortrix
Spilonota ocellana - Bud Moth
Evergestis forficalis - Garden Pebble
NT Udea olivalis
Sitochroa verticalis
Ostrinia palustralis
Ostrinia nubilalis - European Corn-borer
Malacosoma castrense - Ground Lackey
Macrothylacia rubi - Fox Moth
Agrius convolvuli - Convolvulus Hawk-moth
Hyles livornica - Striped Hawk-moth
Hippotion celerio - Silver-striped Hawk-moth
Lycaena phlaeas - Small Copper
EN Lycaena helle - Violet Copper
Lycaena virgaureae - Scarce Copper
Lycaena hippothoe - Purple-edged Copper
NT Selidosema brunnearia - Bordered Grey
Alcis repandata - Mottled Beauty
Gnophos obfuscata - Scotch Annulet
Charissa obscurata - The Annulet
Siona lineata - Black-veined Moth
Timandra griseata - The Blood-vein
Timandra comae - Blood-vein
CR Scopula ornata - Lace Border
Scopula floslactata - Cream Wave
Idaea ochrata - Bright Wave
Idaea serpentata - Ochraceous Wave
Idaea biselata - Small Fan-footed Wave
Idaea humiliata - Isle of Wight Wave
Idaea emarginata - Small Scallop
Idaea aversata - Riband Wave
Idaea straminata - Plain Wave
Idaea deversaria - Ashen Wave
Rhodometra sacraria - The Vestal
NT Lythria cruentaria
Orthonama obstipata - The Gem
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata - Large Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe montanata - Silver-ground Carpet
Camptogramma bilineata - Yellow Shell
Colostygia pectinataria - Green Carpet
Mesotype parallelolineata
Eupithecia centaureata - Lime-speck Pug
Acronicta auricoma - Scarce Dagger
Acronicta cinerea - Sweet Gale Moth
Acronicta rumicis - Knot Grass
Simyra albovenosa - Reed Dagger
Euclidia mi - Mother Shipton
Euclidia glyphica - Burnet Companion
Autographa bractea - Gold Spangle
Trichoplusia ni - The Ni Moth
Pseudeustrotia candidula - Shining Marbled
Amphipyra livida - Black moth
Amphipyra tragopoginis - Mouse Moth
VU Heliothis viriplaca - Marbled Clover
Orthosia incerta - Clouded Drab
Orthosia gothica - Hebrew Character
Xanthia togata - Pink-barred Sallow
Cirrhia icteritia - The Sallow
Cirrhia ocellaris - Pale-lemon Sallow
Agrochola lychnidis - Beaded Chestnut
Agrochola nitida
Agrochola litura - Brown-spot Pinion
Conistra vaccinii - The Chestnut
Conistra rubiginea - Dotted Chestnut
Lithophane socia - Pale Pinion
Xylena exsoleta - Sword-grass
Xylena vetusta - Red Sword-grass
Eupsilia transversa - The Satellite
Antitype chi - Grey Chi
Ammoconia caecimacula
Aporophyla lueneburgensis - Deep-brown Dart
RE Polymixis flavicincta - Large Ranunculus
Caradrina morpheus - Mottled Rustic
Caradrina montana
Caradrina selini
Caradrina clavipalpis - Pale Mottled Willow
Hoplodrina octogenaria - The Uncertain
Hoplodrina blanda - The Rustic
Hoplodrina ambigua - Vine's Rustic
Charanyca trigrammica - Treble Lines
Spodoptera exigua - Small Mottled Willow
Dypterygia scabriuscula - Bird's Wing
Rusina ferruginea - Brown Rustic
Trachea atriplicis - Orache Moth
Mormo maura - Black underwing
Phlogophora meticulosa - Angle Shades
Hydraecia micacea - Rosy Rustic
Hydraecia ultima
Gortyna flavago - Frosted Orange
Anarta trifolii - The Nutmeg
Polia bombycina - Pale Shining Brown
Polia nebulosa - Grey Arches
Lacanobia w-latinum - Light Brocade
Lacanobia suasa - Dog's Tooth
Melanchra persicariae - Dot Moth
Ceramica pisi - Broom Moth
Lasionhada proxima
Euxoa cursoria - Coast Dart
Agrotis cinerea - Light Feathered Rustic
Agrotis clavis - Heart & Club
Agrotis puta - Shuttle-shaped Dart
Agrotis exclamationis - Heart & Dart
Axylia putris - The Flame
Ochropleura plecta - Flame Shoulder
Actebia fennica - Eversmann's Rustic
Eugnorisma depuncta - Plain Clay
Rhyacia simulans - Dotted Rustic
Noctua pronuba - Large Yellow Underwing
Noctua fimbriata - Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Noctua comes - Lesser Yellow Underwing
Noctua janthe - Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Noctua janthina - Langmaid's Yellow Underwing
Noctua interjecta - Least Yellow Underwing
Cryptocala chardinyi
Epilecta linogrisea
Spaelotis ravida - Stout Dart
Opigena polygona
Graphiphora augur - Double Dart
Eugnorisma glareosa - Autumnal Rustic
Diarsia brunnea - Purple Clay
Diarsia rubi - Small Square-spot
Diarsia florida - Fen Square-spot
NT Xestia ashworthii - Ashworth's Rustic
Xestia baja - Dotted Clay
Xestia xanthographa - Square-spot Rustic
Anaplectoides prasina - Green Arches
Cerastis rubricosa - Red Chestnut
Cerastis leucographa - White-marked
Naenia typica - The Gothic
Amata phegea - Nine-spotted
VU Spiris striata - Feathered Footman
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - Ruby Tiger
Parasemia plantaginis - Wood Tiger
Spilarctia lutea - Buff Ermine
Spilosoma lubricipedum - White Ermine
Spilosoma urticae - Water Ermine
Diaphora mendica - Muslin Moth
Diacrisia sannio - Clouded Buff
EN Hyphoraia aulica - Brown Tiger Moth
Arctia caja - Garden Tiger
Dicallomera fascelina - Dark Tussock - Magnus Unger - Contact